Besides the usual acne program which is made up of topical medications, antibiotics, and laser, Microneedling is gaining popularity for its efficacy.
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Here are 5 common misconceptions about weight loss that you should be aware of!
It's a simple linear process?
Weight loss is not a straight-up process. You will hit plateaus during your weight loss journey – it's common. In fact, your body weight may even actually fluctuate up and down a few kilos. This is caused by water retention or days where your digestive system is carrying more food. For women, water retention is more pronounced during the menstrual cycle.
When it happens, don't panic and jump on a crash diet. As long as the overall progress shows that you're losing weight, you will achieve your end goal. When it comes to weight loss, patience will reap the rewards.
Supplements and magic pills?
Despite what has been purported, there is no magic pill for weight loss. Most success stories are more of a placebo effect because when people want something to work and believe wholeheartedly in it, chances are it will. But they tend to overlook the changes they make that are actually the reason behind the success. These include fad like diet food fads!
The bottom line is you don't need a supplement to entice you by stating that its efficacy is increased if you engage in healthy physical activities – just get off your behind and start exercising.
Move more, eat less?
This is a misconception that is not only untrue but can cause grave consequences. Your body needs energy, especially during high-intensity physical activities like exercising. You need to eat fuel your body. Yes, fat loss is about getting more calories out than in, but it does not mean that you should drastically reduce your intake.
The best way to understand this is to understand your body's needs and do so by getting proper and qualified advice.
Cut the carbs?
Humans have been eating carbs for a long time. Not all carbs are bad, although refined ones (refined grains and sugar) have been linked to weight gain. Carbs contain glucose, which is the body's primary energy source, and we all know that our body needs the energy to function.
You don't have to eliminate carbs from your diet; switch to a low-carb diet instead.
All fats are bad?
There are bad and good fats. Most times, only the bad ones are highlighted, and we tend to generalise that all fats are bad. Sources of good fat include vegetables, seeds, nuts and fish. Categorised into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, these fats are essentially good for you (in moderation, of course!).
Good fat reduces the likelihood of health issues like diabetes and can even help reduce belly fat.
There is a clear distinction between fact and myth, but often, it gets blurred by our over-enthusiasm in wanting to achieve a goal – in this case, weight loss. Losing weight is a journey, and there are no shortcuts to actual and healthy weight loss. So know your facts and persevere because the end result is worth it.