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Body Treatment

Corrective Surgery

What are the causes of botched liposuction?

Botched liposuction cases often stem from issues of undercorrection or overcorrection.

Undercorrection happens when too little fat is removed, possibly requiring a follow-up liposuction to refine the results. On the other hand, overcorrection involves the excessive removal of fat, leading to deviations from the intended body shape and resulting in irregularities like bumps, depressions, and asymmetries. Inexperienced, inadequately trained, or unskilled liposuction practitioners may unintentionally cause tissue damage.

Additionally, a lack of effective communication between the doctor and the patient can contribute to suboptimal outcomes.

How to fix a botched liposuction procedure?

Corrective Surgery

Introducing the innovative MDC-Sculpt®️ Lipo technique by Dr Ivan Puah. This modernised approach to fat removal and body contouring goes beyond traditional liposuction. It not only targets stubborn localised body fat but also provides detailed body contouring for natural, well-defined results.

Dr Puah has effectively treated a wide range of patient concerns, including facial contouring and body sculpting in areas such as the armpits, back, abdomen, flanks, hips, thighs, male enlarged breasts, knees, and calves. This innovative technique excels in complex cases, including challenging areas like knee fat, bra bulges, and armpit fat, hi-definition body sculpting as well as correcting botched liposuction.

What are the signs of a liposuction gone wrong?


Uneven surface contours like lumps on the treated areas

Skin discolouration

Obvious skin discolouration


Undercorrection, resulting in leftover bulges

Skin dimpling

Inexperienced or unskilled doctors can cause tissue trauma and skin dimpling


Irregular dents on treated areas due to overly aggressive liposuction techniques.


Asymmetry on the treated areas due to poor patient selection lack of experience or skills of the doctors

Post-lipo Scarring

Excessive post-liposuction tissue scarring due to improper use of surgical tools

Uneven bumps

Over-correction, resulting in removing excess fat more than the desired body contour

What are the potential drawbacks of getting liposution done overseas?

Patients who have had botched surgeries such as liposuction, gynecomastia or fat grafting are often traumatised. Not only do they suffer physically, but they are also affected psychologically – they have lower self-esteem and may suffer from social anxiety and depression.

Patients may suffer various psychological outcomes such as depression, low self-esteem, anger, social phobia, and many others in the future. That's why seeking corrective treatment is imperative to avoid long-term psychological consequences.

Potential drawbacks of liposuction done overseas include:

  • Limited reliability of information about doctors and clinics
  • Lack of stringent regulations and clinical standards
  • Absence of post-treatment follow-ups in overseas cosmetic procedures
  • Risk of complications going unnoticed without proper follow-up
  • Potential issues related to communication and language barriers
  • Influence of cultural differences on beauty perception


Corrective Surgery

Medical tourism

The primary reason for beauty tourism is the cost and travel opportunity.

Patients who have been through such experiences frequently complain of a lack of medical follow-up, miscommunication, improper preparation and incomplete procedure counselling.

Corrective Surgery

Not doing enough homework

It's crucial to find a doctor who not only performs the procedure regularly but who can also consistently achieve a high patient satisfaction rate.

Check out the before and after photos of cases performed by your doctor; they'll show clear indications of results.

Corrective Surgery

Shopping for the cheapest

Don't opt for a procedure because it's cheap or the cheapest option.

Quality comes at a cost –  inadequacies can lead to the need for revisionary work and additional corrective treatments, which may mean additional expense.

Corrective Surgery

Unskilled & unethical doctor

A doctor's inexperience is arguably, at the top of the list.

To avoid a possible mishap, finding an experienced and ethical doctor with a proven track record of delivering results is essential.

Are there successful cases of fixing botched liposuction?

Dr Ivan Puah has successfully fixed botched cosmetic surgeries such as botched liposuction, hi-definition liposuction, gynecomastia surgery, fat grafting, accessory breasts, etc that occured during their procedures in Singapore as well as overseas such as South Korea, Australia, Bangkok, etc.

Botched Liposuction Corrective Surgery

Case 1

Female patient with dents & uneven skin texture on outer hips with dimpling & waves on the back thighs. These are caused by uneven suction from botched liposuction in Singapore.

Corrective Surgery Patient Case

Case 1

Female patient with dents and uneven skin texture on outer hips, as well as dimpling and waves on the back thighs. These are caused by uneven suction from a botched liposuction procedure in Singapore.

Corrective Surgery Patient Case

Case 2

Female patient who had botched liposuction procedure performed on the inner thighs overseas. There are obvious skin irregularities, overly aggressive suction causing rippling and large pigmented scarring.

Botched Liposuction Corrective Surgery

Case 3

Female patient who had a botched liposuction procedure performed on the abdomen in Singapore. Unevenness, dents and lumpiness of the abdomen and uneven curve on the left body contour as seen in the picture, who sought liposuction correction surgery with Dr Ivan Puah.

Botched Liposuction Corrective Surgery

Case 4

Male patient with severe dents on the chest, skin folds and unevenness from botched gynecomastia surgery and high-definition liposuction of abdomen performed in Australia. He later sought liposuction correction surgery for both conditions with Dr Ivan Puah.

Botched Liposuction Corrective Surgery

Case 5

Female patient who had a botched liposuction procedure performed on the inner and outer thighs in Thailand. As seen in the picture, the undercorrection has resulted in "leftover" lumpy and uneven fat bulges on the thighs. The patient seeks liposuction correction surgery with Dr Ivan Puah.

Botched Liposuction Corrective Surgery

Case 6

Female patient who had a botched arm liposuction procedure in Singapore to get rid of her excess arm fat. The picture shows that the arms have unevenness, lumps and irregularities. The patient sought liposuction correction surgery with Dr Ivan Puah.

Understanding the Limits of Corrective Surgery

Fat grafting combined with corrective liposuction can help address imperfections such as uneven and asymmetrical body shapes, restoring a more normal contour. In cases of undercorrection, Dr Ivan Puah will remove any remaining fat and tighten the skin in the treated area.

However, it's important to note that some complications from the primary liposuction may be irreversible. These can include pronounced scarring, skin necrosis, and permanent disfigurement.

“I have performed corrective liposuction surgeries for years. They are more challenging and time-consuming. I try my best to “patch”, “fill”, and “mend” the damage. The patient should be mentally prepared that while some areas can be corrected, sites with more severe complications may be partially improved at best,” explains Dr Ivan Puah.


In the context of a consultation, the patient-doctor relationship is of paramount importance. This connection holds the patient's health and safety, making it a precious trust. A proficient doctor should possess the ability to truly comprehend their patient's concerns and alleviate them, fostering a sense of security and confidence.

Read reviews

Read reviews on the clinics and doctors from previous patients


Choose the doctors who have experience treating conditions similar to yours but be realistic with your expectations


Go for a face-to-face consultation with the doctor


Communicate clearly and in detail the issues you are facing. Make sure the doctor understands what you are looking for


Corrective Surgery Patient Case

Transparent Communication

The consultation should be thorough, clear and well communicated. It should never be rushed and should not leave you with questions unanswered. Throughout a patient's liposuction journey, open and honest communication is essential.

Doctors should be able to listen and communicate effectively. They should be able to comprehend their patients' requirements, assuage their fears and anxieties, and confidently answer any questions they may have.

Corrective Surgery Patient Case


Pay attention to factors such as the doctor's medical support staff's experience. When did they start aiding the doctor with the procedure? 

Are they able to provide you with timely advice? When it comes to addressing your queries, are they professional, confident, and knowledgeable?

Is it possible for them to allay your fears and anxieties about the treatment and make you feel at ease in their care?

Corrective Surgery

The Doctor's Experience

An experienced liposuction doctor is capable of addressing a patient's demands and anticipating the results. Research thoroughly about the doctors you have shortlisted.

Inquire about “before and after” photos of patients  that the doctor has done and the number of liposuction that the doctor performs monthly.


Corrective Surgery

Surgical difficulty

A doctor should ideally have an  eye for aesthetics to visualise the desired results and then materialise them using his expertise. Each body area is unique and needs a distinct approach.

This is a problem that a seasoned doctor can take on with confidence.

Corrective Surgery

Patient-centric care

Attention to patient care is important. After all, the patient's safety, comfort, and wellbeing are paramount.

Postoperative care at Amaris B. Clinic  is not compromised either, with a comprehensive post-surgical care team attending to you after.

Corrective Surgery

Aftercare program

Aftercare significantly assists you with faster recovery and ensures optimum results. 

At Amaris B. Clinic, we have curated a bespoke aftercare program designed to help you with the healing process, such as MLD Therapy, skin firming and many others.

Accredited Liposuction Doctor in Singapore

Dr Ivan Puah is an accredited liposuction doctor in Singapore with close to two decades of body sculpting experience. He is a certified Vaser liposuction physician, and has completed fundamental and advanced body sculpting surgical training conducted by Dr John Millard and Dr Alfredo Hoyos, the developers of VASER liposuction.

Experienced and trained liposuction doctor

Dr Ivan Puah is the Chairman of the Lipo Peer Review Committee in Singapore and has received dedicated surgical training in gynecomastia surgery in the United States of America.  He has developed two proprietary surgical approaches: the 360° Glandular Tissue Dissection (360°GTD®) technique for gynecomastia surgery and the MDC-Sculpt® Lipo technique for liposuction.

Dr Ivan Puah

Dr Ivan Puah is known for his aesthetic sense and meticulousness. Effective doctor-patient communication is paramount in the realm of aesthetics and Dr Puah truly takes the time to understand each patient’s unique needs, goals and tailors his treatment accordingly.

Dr Puah marries the principles of science and art in liposuction, delivering natural and optimal body contouring results for his patients.

Breast fat grafting

Our Awards


How long do I wait before I can proceed with corrective surgery?

Once you've spotted the signs of botched jobs, seeking corrective treatment is crucial so you'll be able to avert its long-term physical and psychological consequences. You are advised to wait three to six months after your previous procedure, allowing your wounds to heal completely before your corrective surgery.

I had fat grafting done, and I look weird. Can I correct it?

The most undesirable results from fat grafting, particularly facial fat grafting, are unevenness and lumps in the facial contours and an overfilled and puffy look. We perform revision surgery to correct poorly applied fat grating and deliver a more natural and favourable result.

I had gynecomastia surgery done at another clinic, but I noticed unevenness, and the chest still looks puffy. What should I do?

Uneven chest contour with irregular dents, depressions on the chest and incomplete and uneven glandular tissue removal are signs of botched gynecomastia surgery. Other symptoms of poorly done gynecomastia surgery include inverted nipples, excessive and thick scarring, and over-suction of fat tissue that result in rippling and unevenness.

In such cases, Dr Ivan Puah will carefully assess your clinical condition and propose a suitable surgical approach to address your issues. An obvious asymmetrical chest with visible scarring can be corrected to give you a more masculine chest that you yearn for.

What is the cost of correcting a botched liposuction procedure?

In general, Dr Ivan Puah’s fees for performing corrective surgery is based on his experience, the complexity of the surgery and the patient's clinical condition. Other charges include the type of anaesthesia used, surgical facility costs, medical tests such as blood tests, pre and post-medication, etc.

Price is one of the many variables to consider. Choosing a qualified doctor by the Ministry of Health Singapore, who uses an accredited surgical facility and works with a well-trained surgical support team, is just as important, if not more. Ensure your health, safety and results come first, especially when secondary revisions are typically more challenging, complicated and time-consuming.

I have had liposuction, but I noticed unevenness. Why?

Unevenness could be due to the doctor’s poor planning or improper surgical technique. If you have had liposuction and are unhappy with its unevenness, please make an appointment with Dr Ivan Puah for a thorough assessment.

I had liposuction many years ago, and it seemed that the fat returned. Can I opt for another liposuction?

Yes, certainly. Some patients have had liposuction done with satisfactory results. However, they may have gained massive weight or cannot maintain their post-liposuction results due to ageing or certain medical conditions.

Secondary liposuction is an option to correct and improve the treated area.


Fat grafting

Fat Grafting 101

Dr Ivan Puah's novel 360° Glandular Tissue Dissection (360°GTD®) technique minimises surgical invasiveness while achieving cosmetic results.

Learn More
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage

MLD Therapy

Dr Ivan Puah's novel 360° Glandular Tissue Dissection (360°GTD®) technique minimises surgical invasiveness while achieving cosmetic results.

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UltRA+ Lift

UltRA+ Lift

Dr Ivan Puah's novel 360° Glandular Tissue Dissection (360°GTD®) technique minimises surgical invasiveness while achieving cosmetic results.

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