Besides the usual acne program which is made up of topical medications, antibiotics, and laser, Microneedling is gaining popularity for its efficacy.
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You know what it's like when you're in a snug-fitting outfit: you suck in, hold your breath, and you think you can keep this stance for as long as you're in this getup… until you have to sit down.
That bulging belly fat rolls that peeks out when we sit
The sitting position is unflattering – even people who look very trim and fit can have a bulging tummy when they sit down. Generally known as a muffin top, anything above 40 inches (or 102cm) in men and 35 inches (or 88cm) in women is considered abdominal obesity.
Visceral fat
This type of fat is stored deep inside the abdomen and wraps around internal organs such as the liver and intestines. Visceral fat makes up about TEN percent of all fat stored in the body. Visceral fat poses more potential harm to a person compared to subcutaneous fat [1].
Subcutaneous Fat
This type of fat can be found underneath the skin. Subcutaneous Fat can be pinched.
Why does my fat show when I sit down?
Lack of exercise, poor dietary habits, poor posture, stress, and less-than-desirable lifestyle habits are also some causes of belly fat. Belly fat is a combination of excess visceral fat and subcutaneous fat and are especially obvious when you sit. Often, the lower abdomen's round shape is not just because of fat, weak abdominal muscles also play a part, and often, the fat is more noticeable or only found around the belly button [2].
Why do I have belly fat rolls if I'm skinny? Why am I losing weight but my belly is still big?
Research indicates that genetics account for 60% of the reasons some of us store excess fat in our abdominal area [3]. That is why you have a pouch, even if you are skinny or have lost weight.
Another reason for belly fat is a sedentary lifestyle. Skinny people who sit too much, say at work or playing games on their computers, to promote whatever fat they may have to settle into their abdomen. The other culprit of belly fat rolls is a diet high in processed foods.
Understanding belly fat in older women, and beer belly in men [4]
Generally, we have more subcutaneous fat than visceral. However, some people unfortunately have more visceral fat than subcutaneous fat, especially women in their 40s and above. Older women will likely have a higher visceral fat level in their abdomen and muscle laxity. That is why it is important to complement your tummy liposuction with a change of lifestyle habits, such as being active and having a more nutritious diet.
In the case of a man with a "beer belly," the level of subcutaneous fat may be higher than what is shown to the naked eye. To check if you do, lie down on your back with your hips slightly flexed. The belly fat rolls will reveal the true subcutaneous lower abdominal fat levels.
How to get rid of Belly Fat Rolls when sitting? 5 effective ways to get rid of belly fat rolls, including tummy liposuction
1. Cut That Sugar
Added sugar comprises 50% fructose, which can only be metabolised by the liver. This means that each time you consume large amounts of added sugar, you're overloading your liver. And when your liver is unable to metabolise fructose, it is forced to turn that into fat, which accumulates in the belly and liver.
2. Consume More Protein And Avoid Carbs
Consuming protein doesn't just boost your metabolism; there's also evidence that it effectively reduces belly fat. A study even shows that eating more high-protein foods can help reduce the risk of belly fat gain over five years. Low-carb diets prevent Type 2 diabetes, so there's a good motivation to stick to it.
3. Go For Fibre-rich Foods
The viscous and soluble fibres bind with water to form a thick gel that "sits" in the gut, which slows the movement of food through your digestive system, moderating the speed of digestion and absorption of nutrients. Studies are also suggesting that soluble fibres are useful for reducing belly fat.
4. Plan Workout Into Your Schedule
Staying active physically is strongly linked to reducing belly fat. Since belly fat is a combination of excess visceral fat and subcutaneous fat, adding cardio workouts can help trim you down and improve your fitness. However, doing sit-ups does not affect muffin tops, as exercise makes spot reduction impossible.
5. Consider Targeted Fat Loss Treatment
If that muffin top remains stubborn despite doing the above, and it is annoying you, and you want to eliminate it effectively and quickly, consider tummy liposuction.
Tummy Liposuction Singapore
Tummy liposuction is a surgical procedure for removing stubborn excess upper and lower abdominal fat. Under the hands of a skilled liposuction doctor, patients can expect removal of localised subcutaneous fat tissues with customised body contouring and skin tightening.
Will I have liposuction scars on my belly after tummy liposuction?
Liposuction is a fat loss and body shaping surgery requiring incisions for the suction cannulas to reach and remove your fat cells. However, fret not! An experienced liposuction doctor knows how to minimise liposuction scarring with short and strategically placed incisions.
Getting Rid of Belly Fat Rolls with 4D Tummy Liposuction by Dr Ivan Puah at Amaris B. Clinic Singapore
4D liposuction, or high-definition liposuction carried out by Dr Ivan Puah, is a more advanced lipo form designed to enhance the body's natural contours and create a more sculpted appearance. This technique is particularly effective for defining underlying abdominal muscles.
For women, the procedure often targets the serratus, obliques, and rectus muscles, while for men, achieving the look of washboard abs is a common goal.
What to Expect During 4D Tummy Liposuction
When undergoing 4D liposuction with Dr Ivan Puah, patients can expect a thorough consultation to discuss their goals and expectations. The procedure begins with the careful marking of the targeted areas. Fat is selectively removed during the treatment to create a frame around the muscles, allowing for a more defined look. Unlike traditional liposuction, a small amount of fat is intentionally left behind to enhance the natural muscle tone and achieve a subtle, sculpted effect.
Dr Puah performs the procedure in an accredited Day Surgery setting, ensuring a safe patient environment. Twilight sedation is used instead of general anaesthesia, with an experienced anaesthetist present to monitor vital signs and ensure the patient's safety.
Dr Ivan Puah is an accredited liposuction doctor by the Ministry of Health Singapore who also serves as the Chairman of Singapore's Lipo Peer Review Committee.
He has been performing liposuction (Vaser Lipo, Laser Liposuction), fat grafting for face, breasts, hands and buttock enhancement, lipo correction, and gynecomastia surgery for at least 20 years.
Dr Ivan Puah's approach is characterised by meticulous attention to detail, focusing on individual patient needs and anatomical variations. He embraces the belief that there's no cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approach to aesthetics and body sculpting. This personalised care helps ensure that each patient receives the optimal outcome tailored to their body goals.
If you are considering liposuction, discussing your specific goals with a qualified liposuction doctor in Singapore is essential. Understanding the procedure, what to expect, and the expertise behind it can help you make an informed decision about your aesthetic journey.
Schedule an appointment for a private consultation now!