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The thighs give the sighs aplenty when it comes to fat loss, and knowing that genetics play a significant role doesn't bring on the sunshine either. Dietary advice suggests adding more electrolytes while cutting back on carbs and salt intake, which may help to lose fat in these areas, as well as engaging in specific exercise routines.
Still, the inner and outer thighs continue to be areas where, at times, effort doesn't produce the deserved and desired results. Why is the fat in the inner thighs so hard to lose but so easy to gain?! This notorious issue is generally prevalent across diverse body types and ages. Why so? Read on to find out more.
Why is most fat stored in inner thighs?
Inner thigh fat commonly develops for estrogenic reasons. The amount of estrogen receptors in the thighs and the effect the hormone has on fat pads in the thigh area can also be primary causes. Estrogens are known to facilitate fat accumulation in the buttocks and thighs because these areas have a higher concentration of alpha-adrenergic receptors [1], which are less responsive to lipolysis (the breakdown of fats).
This typically happens in girls during puberty due to the increase in estrogen levels, which leads to the development of a pear-shaped body. The trend often continues until menopause, when estrogen levels decrease, resulting in a shift of fat storage to the abdomen.
Why am I skinny but my thighs are big?
Besides changes in hormone levels that occur with age and during menopause, inner thigh fat accumulation can be influenced by genetic factors as well. Even individuals who are otherwise thin and slim may find themselves predisposed to storing fat in their thighs due to these factors. A family history of larger thighs can further contribute to the likelihood of experiencing this issue.
Disadvantages of having big inner thighs
- Friction between thighs or even rashes and inflammation from thigh chafing
- Inner thigh hyperpigmentation
- Difficulty finding pants and shorts
- Fabric rubbing in the inner thigh area
- Painful inner thigh chafing
- Developing self-consciousness
Why is inner thigh fat so hard to lose?
Losing fat from the inner thighs can be more challenging than other body areas due to the nature of fat distribution in the body. Losing weight takes effect from head to toe. Since spot toning is generally considered impossible, visible weight loss may be less noticeable in areas like the thighs, abdomen, and arms, where there is more fat cell storage, depending on your genetic disposition.
More on thigh fat and inner thigh liposuction in Singapore:
- Thigh Chafing: Excess Fat In Your Thighs Causing Skin Issues?
- Can Inner Thigh Liposuction Get You A Thigh Gap?
- Lose Thigh Fat, Knee Fat & Saddlebags With Thigh Liposuction
Inner Thigh Liposuction with MDC-Sculpt Lipo Technique
Dr Ivan Puah, the Medical Director of Amaris B. Clinic and Chairman of the Lipo Peer Review Committee, is an accomplished liposuction doctor with over 20 years of liposuction and and body sculpting experience. He is also an MOH-accredited liposuction doctor in Singapore.
Dr Puah has developed a proprietary technique called the MDC-Sculpt®️ Lipo. This technique uses a multi-dimensional contouring approach to address patients' body fat concerns and achieve optimal results.
Inner Thigh Liposuction: How does it work?
During inner thigh liposuction, the patient will receive twilight sedation and attentive care from the anesthesiologist and surgical team. Dr Puah meticulously makes strategic incisions on the thighs and administers a specially formulated anaesthetic fluid.
Subsequently, he employs his proprietary technique to perform liposuction, effectively targeting fat across the three fat layers, sculpting the inner thighs, and enhancing skin tightness to produce natural, well-defined results. You can expect minimal scarring that will fade after a few months; provided you do not have a history of keloid formation.
Selecting an accredited and experienced doctor is paramount in meeting a patient's needs and goals without compromising their well-being and safety.
What to expect after inner thigh liposuction?
Feelings of slight discomfort, bruising, and even swelling post-surgery is entirely normal. Follow Dr Puah’s' post-op care guide to the T, refrain from heavy lifting and water activities, and don your compression garment as instructed for a speedy recovery. Once the post-op tissue swelling settles, you will appreciate a slimmer inner thigh circumference and the results will continue to improve over the months!
Schedule an appointment with Dr Ivan Puah today for a private consultation!