Besides the usual acne program which is made up of topical medications, antibiotics, and laser, Microneedling is gaining popularity for its efficacy.
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In short, yes! The preference is for a physically strong body – so, defined abs (or, even better, a six-pack), bulging biceps and a muscular chest. This has been proven true, and we’re not surprised! In new research conducted by Griffith University in Queensland, Australia, photographs of male torsos were shown to 160 women for them to rate. Of the women surveyed, not even one had favoured the un-muscled bodies over the stronger, muscular ones.
As for you gents, if extreme diets and intense workout routines haven’t given you the results you’ve wanted, maybe it’s time to try something a little different. With a little help in the aesthetics department, it’s actually possible to achieve the abs (or chest) of your dreams. Here we discover 4D Liposuction (Hi-Definition Lipo) by Dr Ivan Puah, to sculpt areas like the abs.
How does 4D Liposuction (Hi-Definition Lipo) work?

4D Liposuction (Hi-Definition Lipo) performed by Dr Ivan Puah involves ultrasound wave energy that is delivered internally to the targeted fat tissues via a probe. This probe emits sonic vibrations to melt the fat for ease of removal. Cannulas of varied sizes are used to reduce fat and further sculpt and contour the body.
This procedure is performed in an accredited Day Surgery, with the patient under twilight sedation (not GA). The anaesthetist will monitor the patient's vital stats while Dr Ivan Puah carries out the procedure. Small incisions less than 4mm long are made, followed by infiltration of anaesthetic fluid to the targeted body region. Then ultrasound energy is applied to liquefy the fat, making it easier for the doctor to remove it via suction.
An athletic-looking and toned body is achievable through 4D Liposuction (Hi-Definition Lipo), as it removes fat, sculpts muscle and tightens skin.
Am I Cheating by getting 4D Liposuction (Hi-Definition)?
If you have been working out religiously at the gym and are on a strict diet, but cannot achieve the muscle definition you yearn for despite all the hard work you put in, then you can consider 4D Liposuction (Hi-Definition Lipo).
The procedure enhances muscle shape by selective removal of fat in the targeted areas that do not respond to diet or exercise. It should not be termed “cheating” because effort, such as eating right and leading a healthy lifestyle, is still necessary to maintain the results.
Are the Results Permanent?
4D Liposuction (Hi-Definition Lipo) is designed for "customised contouring" rather than debulking; hence the ideal candidate has good muscle tone without much fat or loose skin.
For example, individuals very close to their goal weight; are somewhat toned but fail to achieve the abdominal muscle definition they desire. 4D Liposuction (Hi-Definition Lipo) is, therefore, suitable for these individuals who consistently work out 4 to 6 times per week but cannot achieve the "washboard" appearance (which generally can only be seen in those with very little body fat - about 3%).
4D Liposuction (Hi-Definition Lipo) creates a more desirable athletic look by removing deep and superficial fat that may obscure the underlying muscles' details.
Who should I go to?
4D Liposuction (Hi-Definition Lipo) should only be performed by doctors who have received advanced body sculpting training. The liposuction doctor needs to be licensed by the Ministry Of Health (MOH) Singapore.
Amaris B. Clinic’s medical director, Dr Ivan Puah, is an accredited lipo doctor. Additionally, he has received multiple liposuction and body sculpting training in the United States, Argentina and Italy. He has been performing liposuction for over 17 years, and his clinic has received numerous industry accolades since its establishment.