Here is a breakdown of the different grades, how gyno affects your self-esteem, and what can be done to get you ready for your NS journey in full confidence.
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Yes, gents, it’s okay to have aesthetic treatments and cosmetic surgeries such as facial liposuction! An increasing number of men over 35 are moving from basic grooming such as eyebrow shaping and skincare, to aesthetic treatments like wrinkle-smoothing, commonly known as ‘Brotox’, laser skin rejuvenation and dermal fillers. They also seek cosmetic surgeries such as facial liposuction, pseudogynecomastia surgery, gynecomastia surgery and liposuction. (We’ll look at some stats shortly!)
For professional and personal reasons

Today, more men are turning to aesthetic treatments and cosmetic surgeries for a competitive edge in the workplace. Cosmetic surgery fits the narrative that “you can be whoever you want to be”. In fact, more than 1.3 million cosmetic procedures were performed on men last year alone – a 29% increase from 2000.
In youth-oriented industries such as tech, executives want to appear relatable and relevant to their younger subordinates. ‘Culture fit’ is often used as an excuse when managers don’t want to hire older people. So getting some aesthetic ‘help’ is not vanity, but rather a way to avoid ageism and boost career opportunities – or, in some cases in the current market, to help keep a job.
On a personal level, these enhancements can improve your self-image and confidence. This is especially the case if you find yourself back in the dating pool later in life. Yet, even within existing relationships, men can worry about their physical attractiveness to their partner as much as women. Not being happy with your body or your looks, in general, can cause issues with your sex life. A 2012 study showed that people who were not satisfied with their bodies were more likely to worry about it during sex. No one wants extra worries in that department!
Aesthetic treatments and cosmetic surgeries are not just to improve the exterior but to also enhance overall emotional wellbeing, self-confidence and social attractiveness. Research has shown that when facial plastic surgery is done (done well, that is) on men, it can significantly increase perceptions of virility, likeability, social skills and even trustworthiness!
Facial liposuction

It may surprise you, but guys have been trying many different methods to achieve the chiselled jawline; one such gimmick is gurning on a rubber ball to reduce a double chin and gain a sharper jawline. Experimenting with such bizarre social media beauty trends could lead to cracked teeth and TMJ disorder.
If you feel that your excess facial fat, saggy jawlines and short chin are bothering you, a safer option would be to consult a doctor who is well versed in treating facial disharmony. Dr Ivan Puah, medical director of Amaris B. Clinic and MOH-accredited liposuction doctor, has seen many men with such concerns as they feel a short chin and ‘fat face’ are signs of femininity.
“Typically, they want to get rid of the excess fat on the cheeks, jowls and improve weak chins. Fat can be effectively removed, and a well-defined and tightened jawline can be achieved with facial liposuction. At the same time, a weak or short chin can be enhanced with dermal fillers; these make the face more angular and, overall, the appearance is more manly and strong,” says Dr Puah.
Enlarged male breast reduction (gynecomastia)

Often mistaken as only an aesthetic issue, gynecomastia, more commonly known as enlarged male breasts, is actually a male breast disorder. It typically involves the proliferation of glandular tissues and excess fat tissue deposition, often due to hormonal imbalance. If you are suffering from this medical condition, you’re not alone; according to Science Direct, 60% of all men worldwide are bothered by it. It causes pain, discomfort and, most importantly, mental and emotional stress.
“I have been treating gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia for more than 15 years,” says Dr Puah. “Male patients who seek consultation are affected by these conditions physically, emotionally and psychologically. Often, they walk with a slouch, dress in baggy T-shirts, and dare not undress in front of others. They have tried creams, pills, exercise, diet and even non-surgical treatments such as fat freezing but did not see any result. Some, unfortunately, even suffer from anxiety and depression. For these patients, their objective to seek treatment is not for vanity but rather a permanent and effective solution to their medical condition.
“Having seen and performed so many male breasts disorder cases, gynecomastia surgery, like any other form of body sculpting procedure such as liposuction, is a form of artwork. Every gynecomastia case is unique. Some may only be the proliferation of glands, while some involve both excess fat tissues and glands. The degree of skin laxity of the individual also plays an essential role in the end results. I am of the humble opinion that gynecomastia surgery is 30% science and 70% art to carry out a safe operation yet produce aesthetically and well-contoured results for them.”
To achieve an aesthetically pleasing result for his patients, Dr Puah employs his 360°GTD technique and MDC-Sculpt Lipo technique, two novel surgical approaches he developed in the course of his liposuction career, which significantly improve the surgical outcome. You can expect glandular tissues and fat tissues to be removed. Common surgical side effects such as haematoma, bruising and scarring are also greatly reduced. Skin is tightened, and the chest is contoured and sculpted. The best thing of all is that you can begin to wear your favourite white t-shirt with confidence!
Be it a medical condition or simply aesthetic treatments for professional and personal reasons, there are feasible solutions, backed by research and refined surgical experience, for the gentlemen at Amaris B. Clinic.