Besides the usual acne program which is made up of topical medications, antibiotics, and laser, Microneedling is gaining popularity for its efficacy.
Zoom face is now a thing. The year 2020 has changed the way we work; instead of physical meet-ups, online meetings are now a regular part of most of our lives. One thing that has emerged from the countless video calls is “Zoom face”, a global phenomenon where we’re constantly scrutinising all our facial flaws on camera – eek! So, lets get some advice on how to look good on Zoom?
What exactly is Zoom face?
Now, more than ever, we’re spending a lot of time in online meetings in front of our phones and computers on Zoom, if not on other teleconferencing channels. In fact, Zoom has enjoyed an increase of 876% in the number of customers over the past three years, according to the 2020 Businesses @ Work report from Okta!
More video calls can only mean one thing. Our faces are exposed for all – ourselves especially – to see and scrutinise. It’s totally normal to feel extra self-conscious about how you look in front of the screen. As psychologist Ellen Hendrikesen once said, “We are each our own worst critic.” So if you’re now starting to see the forehead lines and wrinkles you’ve never noticed you had, or you’ve suddenly realised how dark and heavy your eye bags look, just know that you’re not alone.
Look less tired
Tired of looking tired? Thankfully, there’s a way to tackle the problem. For instance, you can freshen up with Amaris B Clinic’s menu of aesthetic treatments for a natural-looking, youthful boost. Ideal for ladies 21 years and above, the clinic’s 4D Fluid Facelift features hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers to smooth out facial lines and correct dark eye circles and facial asymmetry. It can also add volume to various parts of the face to rejuvenate tired and lethargic skin.
The result is a naturally enhanced look and more symmetrical facial features. Other common ageing concerns like marionette lines (lines around the nose and mouth), parentheses (nasolabial folds) and, diminished vertical lip lines, thin lips, chin creases, sunken cheeks or temples can all be effectively treated with the 4D Fluid Facelift.
Performed by Medical Director of Amaris B Clinic, Dr Ivan Puah, the 4D Fluid Facelift is customised to your particular facial enhancement goals and needs. Dr Puah says, “It’s essential for a doctor to have a deep understanding of facial anatomy, to take time to assess the facial profile of his or her patient, know their needs, and finally decide on the type of dermal fillers suitable for their condition.”
The doctor’s skill is primary when it comes to performing facial injectables, he adds. “When done correctly in the right spots, the result will not be overdone or unnatural. The doctor's objective should be to improve and enhance the patient's facial features without the obvious signs of work done on the face, so the patient doesn’t look like someone else with a distorted facial profile.”

Treat saggy skin
For a lift from within, try the minimally invasive PDO Lift, which uses Polydioxanone (PDO) threads to produce a subtle but visible “lift” in the skin. This solution is suitable for those in their 30s to 50s concerned with mild to moderate signs of skin laxity. In addition to their skin-lifting benefits, the PDO threads help to kickstart collagen production by directing surges of collagen – essential components in keeping the skin firm and supple. PDO Lift provides a progressive rejuvenation of the facial tissues, improving skin tone and firmness over time.
Reduce double chin
Since the rise of online meetings, more patients are seeking solutions to remove facial fat permanently. This is especially so during this COVID-19 era, says Dr Puah. He notes that he has been seeing more and more patients for facial liposuction. “One common complaint I’ve heard from patients is that their faces look three times bigger in Zoom meetings, which makes them feel self-conscious. Some have told me they have issues getting rid of a double chin despite having a strict diet or exercise regime.”
Facial liposuction addresses concerns such as chubby cheeks and double chins. Beyond tackling fat reduction, he also creates a sculpted facial profile with minimal scarring. This approach minimises downtime, and patients can expect a faster recovery. Facial liposuction is one of the most delicate facial sculpting surgeries; doctors must be experienced, skilled and meticulous in producing a naturally defined and sculpted result for the patient.

The art of science and sculpting
Similar to how a sculptor uses artistic training to mould material into the desired shape, Dr Puah uses a combination of his artistic eye and modern techniques to sculpt the face. An accredited liposuction doctor by the MOH in Singapore, he has more than 15 years of experience, specifically in facial and body sculpting procedures and fat grafting.
He is the appointed trainer for doctors on cosmetic injectables by Merz Aesthetics Singapore and Allergan Singapore.