The majority of men who undergo abdominal etching (six-pack surgery) are not celebrities or those in the media. They are everyday men from diverse backgrounds.
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It's natural for men to worry if their breasts seem to become enlarged or swollen. They'll turn to the Internet to search for their symptoms and land on articles regarding gynecomastia, a condition caused by the enlargement of male breast tissue.
However, this isn't the only cause. In some cases, it's caused by excess chest fat. Let's look at gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia and what you can do in either situation.

What is Gyno?
Gynecomastia or Gyno, also known as enlarged male breasts, is a condition that can lead to noticeable changes in a man's chest appearance.
Typically, a man's chest features small, flat nipples that allow the underlying pectoral muscles to show, especially when one flexes the area. However, for men suffering from gynecomastia, the breasts appear more rounded, and the nipples tend to appear swollen or puffy. This condition is often accompanied by tenderness and discomfort, which may worsen over time.
Despite its prevalence, gynecomastia remains a sensitive topic for many men. It is often stigmatised and not openly discussed, discouraging individuals from seeking the real help they need.
Diseases and Health Conditions that may also cause gynecomastia
An imbalance of hormones triggers gynecomastia. All men produce some estrogen, but when you produce more than the "normal" amount, that may lead to the development of excess breast tissues. This affects 1 out of 2 teen boys and 2 out of 3 men above 50 years old.
Understanding that obesity is not the sole cause of gynecomastia is crucial. By being aware of the variety of reasons that can make any male susceptible to this condition, you are empowered to take control of your health.
- Age-related changes
- Side effects of taking certain medications
- Using anabolic steroids for bodybuilding
- Malnutrition and starvation
- Underlying medical conditions such as kidney or liver diseases, lung cancer, cancer of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands or testicles, including thyroid disorders.
How to know if I have gynecomastia? What are the gyno symptoms?
Gynecomastia is a common male medical condition that can present with various symptoms.
The main gynecomastia symptoms include:
- An increase in breast size in one or both breasts
- Swollen or puffy nipples
- Sensitivity and tenderness in the breast tissue with pain or discomfort, which can vary in intensity
- Enlargement of the glandular tissue. When touched, the affected area often feels like a firm, rubbery lump beneath the nipple, which can occur on one or both sides.
- The appearance of gynecomastia can resemble that of female breasts
Gynecomastia is frequently mistaken for pseudogynecomastia, especially in obese men.
“Because pseudogynecomastia and gynecomastia present similarly in terms of appearance, getting an accurate diagnosis from an experienced doctor is essential to determine the right approach to treatment. During the clinical evaluation, the doctor will assess the severity and gyno grade and recommend an appropriate approach,” explains Dr Ivan Puah, who has over 15 years of experience treating gyno cases.
What is Pseudogynecomastia?
"Pseudo" means false or imitation, resulting from the accumulation of chest fat. Genetically, men tend to accumulate fat in the chest and abdomen area. When chest fat builds up, the chest appears puffy and swollen.
This is clinically known as lipomastia, adipomastia, or pseudogynecomastia. The more estrogen you have, the more your body stores fat. Fat also causes your body to produce the aromatase enzyme, which can convert testosterone into estrogen and slow metabolism.
Unfortunately, a lower metabolism will also mean you burn less fat, which triggers a vicious cycle where you store more and more fat in your chest area.
How Do I Know if it's Just Fat (pseudogynecomastia) or Gyno?
Both pseudogynecomastia and gynecomastia can cause a similar appearance of an enlarged, puffy chest. However, the key difference lies in their underlying causes.
Pseudogynecomastia (excess chest fat) is primarily due to fat accumulation, while gynecomastia involves the enlargement of male breast tissue (glandular with or without excess chest fat).
Gynecomastia often results from hormonal imbalances, though the exact cause can sometimes be idiopathic, meaning it occurs without a clear explanation. Unlike pseudogynecomastia, glandular tissue does not respond to diet, exercise, or non-invasive treatments like fat freezing or low energy laser therapy.
Interestingly, pseudogynecomastia, caused by fat rather than glandular tissue, is less common than gynecomastia. Dr Ivan Puah, who has treated many male patients, noted that many who initially thought they had pseudogynecomastia were actually diagnosed with true or mixed gynecomastia after a medical evaluation, highlighting the importance of seeking professional assessment to understand your condition accurately.
Does Pseudogynecomastia go away?
In theory, exercise and weight loss can potentially improve excess chest fat. However, many patients find that the fat tissue is often resistant to these efforts. If diet and exercise do not yield the desired results, medical evaluation and potential treatment options such as male chest liposuction may be necessary.
Gynecomastia vs Pseudogynecomastia
Here is a table comparison for Gynecomastia vs Pseudogynecomastia
What can be done for gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia cannot be treated with exercise, diet, or non-surgical means. Hence, gynecomastia surgery is still the best option to relieve sufferers of the agony this condition inflicts. If you are considering gynecomastia surgery, choosing a skilled doctor is vital.
An experienced, skilled doctor with vast experience in gyno surgery and a keen eye on aesthetics can permanently eliminate unwanted breast tissues, flatten your chest, and achieve a sculpted and contoured appearance.
What can be done for pseudogynecomastia?
Gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia may not pose health risks, but they can take a toll on self-esteem. Many men feel self-conscious about their chests, and severe cases may lead to bullying or teasing due to what some refer to as "man boobs."
While some try to combat these issues with chest exercises or dieting, these methods often prove ineffective. To know if you are suffering from gyno or pseudogynecomastia, the first step is to schedule an assessment with Dr Ivan Puah for an accurate diagnosis.
For individuals with pseudogynecomastia, fat removal procedures such as Vaser liposuction can effectively eliminate excess fat in the chest area.

Can Vaser Liposuction get rid of pseudogynecomastia successfully?
Vaser Liposuction, is a sought-after fat removal and chest contouring procedure for men who are suffering from pseudogynecomastia.
This procedure involves making short and strategically placed incisions on the chest to allow for the infiltration of anaesthetic fluid.
Once the area is numbed, the probe, which emits ultrasonic energy to selectively emulsify the stubborn fat tissue, is inserted into the targeted area. After the fat cells are liquefied into a “smooth buttery consistency,” Dr Ivan Puah uses suction to remove the excess fat and subsequently sculpt the chest.
Key benefits of Vaser Liposuction
- Tissue-selective whereby it preserves important nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues during the fat removal process.
- Minimal downtime.
- Less bruising and pain, making recovery quick and manageable.
- Stimulates collagen production for skin firming.
Vaser liposuction can only be performed by doctors who received liposuction accreditation by the Ministry of Health (MOH) Singapore.
Dr Ivan Puah, medical director of Amaris B. Clinic, is certified to perform Vaser Liposuction and accredited by the Ministry Of Health Singapore to perform liposuction. He has more than 20 years of clinical practice in aesthetic medicine and performing surgical body sculpting treatments such as liposuction, hi-definition lipo, laserlipolysis, gynecomastia surgery, fat grafting, etc.
Whether you are suffering from gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia, treatment options are available at Amaris B. Clinic. To learn more, call 6536 5211, WhatsApp +65 9152 4140 or leave us a message.