Back Lipo | Remove back rolls and bra bulge | Smooth back contour results
Back rolls and bra bulge liposuction are an art. It is more than a fat removal surgery to achieve smooth back contour results for high patient satisfaction.
Our body consists of interconnected systems. Among them are the lymphatic system, which is an extensive network of vessels that facilitates the movement of a fluid called lymph. The lymphatic system is part of our immune system and important to our well-being.
The lymph is a fluid that circulates through the body in the same manner that blood does. Along its journey, it picks up toxins, bacteria and viruses and these are then filtered through the lymph nodes and removed from the body. The lymph nodes can and do get swollen as a result of bacteria and virus exposure.
Liposuction is a popular body contouring and fat removal procedure as it enables individuals to get rid of stubborn fat that is resistant to exercise and diet.
Post liposuction, fluid may accumulate in the treated area, causing the appearance of bumps and lumps.
MLD Therapy can address issues related to post-liposuction procedures as it:
Dr Ivan Puah's novel 360° Glandular Tissue Dissection (360°GTD®) technique minimises surgical invasiveness while achieving cosmetic results.
Dr Ivan Puah's novel 360° Glandular Tissue Dissection (360°GTD®) technique minimises surgical invasiveness while achieving cosmetic results.
Dr Ivan Puah's novel 360° Glandular Tissue Dissection (360°GTD®) technique minimises surgical invasiveness while achieving cosmetic results.